employment ending, conscription commencing shortly….

Work ends on Friday. I will have Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to get myself ready for National Service. Frankly, I’m not ready at all.

I have to get my stuff over the weekend. It’s going to be busy. So far I have accumulated one pair of white army socks and one tube of tiger balm muscle rub courtesy of John Sim. He was also kind enough to give me a tutorial on how to do the uniforms on Monday night.

Wednesday was stressful. I spent the whole workday doing setups for the customers from Comex. Everybody was quite stressed, a few tempers flared, even. I didn’t sell anything. Oh well, maybe they will come back tomorrow. Or next week when I’m no longer around.

Last Wednesday was a good day off. I went to watch Secret with Charmaine. I had not seen her in years. It was good to meet her once more. She is still the same quiet girl.

Next week I will join the ranks of several hundred recruits. The time has come.

4 Responses to “employment ending, conscription commencing shortly….”

  1. 1 Andrew September 7, 2007 at 3:06 pm

    I wish you all the best, Ian, in this difficult undertaking. May God keep you during this time that you may come away from it strengthened.

    How long will NS be? Do you have holidays?

  2. 2 Ian Finian September 7, 2007 at 11:42 pm

    I have nothing but thanks for your constant encouragement! =D

    Two years. The first three months consists of Basic Military Training on an offshore island Pulau Tekong. No one goes home for the first two weeks. I think I can deal with that.

  3. 3 Br. Adrian Mathews September 10, 2007 at 10:14 pm

    Hi Ian. Met Joshua at SVDP on sun, he told me you going into NS on Thursday, so thought of sending u a msg. You take care and wish you all the best.Just don’t run away with any loaded gun k!! hehehe

  4. 4 Andrew September 11, 2007 at 11:03 am

    I second Bro’s recommendation about loaded guns. Just a word of advice on bayonet use, if you don’t mind. Stick them with the pointy end =)

    Hope to hear from you soon when you get back.

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